Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Weeknight ribs

The other night I offered to make dinner without thinking.  As you're all aware, I am just reclaiming my kitchen from the moth disaster and I have barely prepared a meal for myself let alone anyone else in weeks.  But I opened my big mouth on a week night and offered dinner.  Worse, I specifically mentioned I had country style ribs in the fridge.  After said mention, it dawned on me that in the past I had either A) cooked them FOREVER or B) not been pleased with the result.  Yikes.

So here I am, preparing a meal for someone for the very first time, in my cobweb-ridden kitchen, facing a meal that I'm sure is doomed to failure.  But, I'm a tough chick and I was determined to persevere.  I have to say, if you'll pardon the bravado, that persevere I did.

I tossed the ribs in my trusty le crueset with almost a bottle of beer, a few garlic cloves, peppercorns and a healthy dose of "road kill grill" seasonings and let them braise for about an hour at around 300.  A beer or two and good conversation and the time flew by.  I honestly can't say if it really was an hour - check temps if you're trying this at home!  Then I finished them off on my cast iron stovetop grill to give a nice char.   Despite my anxiety, they came out perfect - the braise kept the pork from drying out but the grill added a critical touch.  I'd highly recommend the combo to anyone.

I didn't snap a picture of the ribs.  I have yet to share my blogging alter ego with my dinner guest, so random photos of the food would have been confusing to him.  I did, however, snag a shot of his contribution to dinner...